There are electrical and work at heights risks involved, that is why it is best left to the professionals.
It is not advisable and we do not endorse it for many reasons -But you can do it yourself provided you follow the shutdown procedure and accept the risks involved.
This is best carried out by professional as they will see issues with your panels you will not to catch problems early and they are used to the risks associated with working at heights, electricity and panel care as well as others.
Be aware most solar panels have a protective coating that can be damaged using detergents, hi pressure cleaners, so clean water a soft bristled broom and a lot of elbow grease is required to wash the surface of the panels.
Rinse solar panels with clean water from the hose a second time.
Can you use vinegar to clean solar panels?
Yes! You can use many things, but clean water and a soft bristled broom is best.